Monday, 29 January 2018

Weekly Blog Post # 3 Manitoba Professional Learning Environment

This week we had the second opportunity of receiving personal and professional advice and experiences’ John Evans, in a clear and methodical way, explained important details that we should consider as future teachers, also policies, rules and direct examples that we can use to apply in our teachings with our students in the classroom.

Evans explained and reaffirmed the use of Maple Forem website as a professional internet resource that we can use as teachers to show and follow great examples of creation, innovation, and development of thinking as Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap, and Caine’s Arcade.

Research, planning and develop strategies for learning using a professional website as Maple Forem is a good help left by John Evans.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Weekly Blog Post # 2 Teachers Share IT

Hello. It is very rewarding for me to finish the last term with Internet for Educators, no doubt this course will enrich with new Internet strategies and resources that could be applied in the classroom. I am very enthusiastic about learning new technologies.
Last week the Internet for Educators’ classmates shared with me some information technology that was explained by Kristen Thompson and Tyler Letkeman about Internet tools for Curation, Organization, Communication, and Assessment.

The classroom websites resources for the students is a process of curation to gather information; Symbaloo is a tool for organizing personal information. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Remind are more commonly used for communication. Quizizz, Flipgrid, Blog, Plickers, Shapchat, and Quizlet are tools that can be used by teachers for assessments. 

Tech Task # 9 Internet Resources: #Education

For me, one amazing resource is a channel on the YouTube platform. YouTube #Education has videos of different educational fields such as...